WATTer Skills


IO1 - Skills for water efficiency technicians and experts

This document refers to the first step of the project Intellectual Output I, whose objectives are the following:

  • Starting point and definition of the WATTer skills map at a European level;
  • General definition of the skills;
  • Definition and collection of the monitoring indicators, to compare water efficiency and energy efficiency in buildings (before and after the implementation of the training and qualification system), including data collection of water and energy consumption.


Read here the full report:

IO1. Setting WATTer Skills perimeter

IO2 - Qualification framework for water efficiency technicians and experts

This document refers to the second step of the project – the Intellectual Output II (IO2), which objectives are to present the definition of the training and qualification/certification scheme requirements based on the learning outcomes defined in IO1, in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) provisions, to adopt and adapt (nationally) for training and qualification of the different types of professionals targeted, including areas of knowledge, number of hours, trainer and trainee profiles, the required prequalifications, amongst other relevant criteria. The identified scheme requirements will form the background for the development of the appropriate training courses for the two ‘new’ proposed by WATTer Skills specialties, as well of the corresponding supporting materials and tools (subject to the Intellectual Output III – IO3).

Read here the full report:

IO2. Qualification Framework

IO3 - Development of training courses curricula, contents and e-learning platform

This document refers to the third step of the project – the Intellectual Output III (IO3), whose objectives are the development of training courses curricula and contents and their integration into e-learning platforms. More specifically, the Intellectual Output IO3 consists of the following main tasks:

  • Formulation of the training course structure and curricula, according to the definition of the scheme requirements (illustration of knowledge-skills-competences, i.e. KSC, describing what the learner will know and be able to do, regardless of the system under which a particular qualification is awarded);
  • Development, validation and implementation of the training contents, including the production of the tools and media resources needed for providing online training modules and dissemination of training contents;
  • Development of classroom training manuals for trainers and trainees (2 handbooks and supported training materials);
  • Trial and assessment of the training contents produced by experts and target groups in order to get them validated from different points of view, as well as to achieve a sound market recognition (7 pilot events).

Read here the full report:

IO3. Training courses curricula and contents

Supplementary documents:

Training materials for the WET’s Course

Training materials for the WEE’s Course

IO4 - Accreditation system for water efficiency technicians and experts

This document refers to the fourth step of the project – the Intellectual Output IV (IO4), which objectives are to develop and present a proposal of a recognition system for the different types of professionals and integration into national (NQF) and European qualifications frameworks (EQF), towards a future Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). This MoU would eventually put into force the new skills and provide ECVET to the pilot training courses participants, produced and carefully revised in IO3 together with the national advisory boards. The supporting materials and proposal of the common accreditation scheme for the water profiles (WET – water efficiency technician and WEE – water efficiency expert), based on ECVET training credits, ready to be used in all EU countries, fostering mobility and recognition of professionals in the European market.

Read here the full report:

IO4. Accreditation system based on EQF and ECVET