WATTer Skills

WATTer Skills


The WATTer Skills project

WATTer Skills (Water Efficiency and Water-Energy Nexus in Building Construction and Retrofit) is a European project, funded within the ERASMUS+ programme, which aims to develop, implement and propose a common curricula, qualification framework and accreditation scheme at the European level, for training and skills upgrading of construction and green professionals on water efficiency and water energy nexus for building construction and retrofit.

WATTer Skills

Project Description

Water scarcity is a serious problem for many regions of Europe with some 45% of European territory expected to be facing water scarcity problems by 2030. On the other hand, the damage caused by floods may increase five-fold by 2050.

Such situation is driving growing attention and increasing regulation on water efficiency and water management across Europe, both in response to water scarcity problems and to climate change mitigation and adaptation goals.

Old Leaking Pipe

To successfully outcome these concerns, there is the need to adequate training, capacity building and qualification of construction professionals, sustained on reliable and independent accreditation schemes that certificate the technical knowledge and capacities of such professionals, towards market recognition and confidence.

Therefore, the WATTer Skills project aims at developing, implementing and proposing a common curricula, qualification framework and accreditation scheme at the European level, for training and skills upgrading of construction and green professionals on water efficiency and water energy nexus for building construction and retrofit.

WATTer Skills will:

  • Set the perimeter and the WATTer skills map at a European level;
  • Develop a common qualification framework and certification schemes based on training and learning outcomes designed for water skills, in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) provisions, able to adopt and adapt (nationally) for training and qualification of the different types of professionals targeted;
  • Develop and propose a common accreditation system based on ECVET training credits capable of being used in all EU countries, fostering mobility and recognition of professionals in the European market.
Drop of watter

Project expected results

WATTer Skills aims at moving towards a European common qualification and certification scheme for professionals on water efficiency and water energy nexus in buildings, through the development of specific training courses and accreditation schemes, in line with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) provisions and ECVET technical specifications. With that purpose, WATTer Skills will produce 4 Intellectual Outputs:

  • IO1 – Setting the perimeter of “WATTer Skills”;
  • IO2 – Qualification framework;
  • IO3 – Training courses curricula, contents and e-learning platform, including training courses for validation and market recognition;
  • IO4 – Accreditation system based on EQF and ECVET.

The project materials and training contents will be developed, shared and validated in each partner’s country.

Check out the WATTer Skills Booklet

Sanitary equipment