ADENE, the Portuguese Energy Agency is a private non-profit making public utility association with the mission to develop public interest activities in the areas of energy and energy efficiency, including mobility and the efficient use of water.
ADENE – Agência para a Energia
Avenida 5 de Outubro, n.º 208, Edifício Santa Maria, 2º piso, 1050-065 Lisboa
Project Coordinator
Filipa Newton –
In 1992 the National Construction Confederation (CNC), CCOO Construction Services and by Construction and Allied UGT, Federation of Industry (MCA-UGT), composed a Board to create and manage jointly this non-profit entity which is the Foundation. Fundación Laboral de la Construcción works to provide businesses and workers the necessary resources to promote a more professional qualified and educated construction sector.
FLC aims:
As a result of years of dedication and effort, and with the support of many professionals, the Foundation is today a reference in the construction sector and a key partner working with and for the future of businesses and professionals. With more experience and knowledge at its disposal, FLC works to ensure that occupational risk prevention, training, innovation, sustainability and new technologies help to continue to build the progress that FLC believes possible. In addition to this, the FLC manages national and international projects with different scopes:
FLC – Fundaciòn Laboral de la Construccion
CALLE RIVAS 25 EDIFICIO A, 28052 Madrid, Spain
Project Manager
Javier González –
The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) is a non profit entity founded in 1987 and supervised by the Ministry of Environment & Energy. CRES is by Law the National Centre for Coordination in the fields of RES, RUE, and Energy Saving (ES), its primary aim being to promote technological applications in these fields both at a national and international level.
It acts as an advisor to the Greek State, while during the years having established a highly visible profile of a strong and reliable national energy centre. In the framework of its mission, CRES:
CRES has a scientific staff of more than 120 highly qualified and experienced multidisciplinary scientists and engineers., and over the years has participated in more than 600 European and national projects (being the coordinator in many of them). Through this activity, CRES has obtained important know-how, and has assisted the market in accepting and adopting new energy technologies. CRES co-operates with other institutes, universities, consultants, local authorities, international organisations (IEA, UNESCO, IEC, CEN, etc.), and is member of various European and international networks, such as the EnR, MEDENER, EUREC Agency, etc. It also participates in and provides support to various professional societies in Greece. CRES experts represent Greece in all existing IEE Concerted Actions, namely the CA EPBD, CA ESD and CA RES.
CRES – Centre for Renewable Energy Sources
MARATHONOS 19TH KM, 190009 Pikermi, Greece
Project Manager
Charalampos Malamatenios –
In ITALY, vocational training in construction is carried out through a national training system regulated by the National Collective Employment Agreement. FORMEDIL is the central body of this system and is composed of the social partners of the sector, i.e. the National Association of Private Construction Contractors, ANCE, the trade unions FENEAL-UIL, FILCA-CISL, FILLEA-CGIL as well as ANAEPA, CNA, CLAAI, CASARTIGIANI, ANIEM, AGCI, CONFCOOPERATIVE, LEGACOOP.
FORMEDIL is structured on a network of 103 Building Schools (SCUOLE EDILI). The purpose of FORMEDIL is to promote and co-ordinate vocational training, qualification and re-qualification in the construction undertaken by the SCUOLE EDILI.
Over the last few years, the Formedil system has promoted the old crafts and traditional processes with the aim to make an inventory of sector competences and knowledge transferring to other workers, including the use of innovative teaching methods. But, at the same, Formedil has promoted lots of aspects regarding the dissemination and use of the new technologies that can be related to bio-building construction and for this reason it is involved in European projects dealing with this issues.
In addition, Formedil promotes collaboration with very important associations as Confindustria Ceramica, IATT, Andil, Atecap, Aif representatives of companies producing building components, materials and technologies utilized in green building and with low environmental impact. Formedil also collaborates actively with the Bio-architecture Foundation, especially for the realization of a training building site for the reconstruction after the earthquake in the city of Onna (near L’Aquila).
FORMEDIL – Ente Nazionale per la Formazioni e L’Addestramento Professionale nell Edilizia
Via Giuseppe Antonio Guattani 24, 00161 Rome Italy
Project Manager
Giovanni Carapela –
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
ADENE ® 2021