WATTer Skills project
WATTer Skills (Water Efficiency and Water-Energy Nexus in Building Construction and Retrofit) is a European project, funded within the ERASMUS+ programme, which aims to develop, implement and propose a common curricula, qualification framework and accreditation scheme at the European level, for training and skills upgrading of construction and green professionals on water efficiency and water energy nexus for building construction and retrofit.
Watch the WATTer Skills Conference Video

The Project

WATTer Skills project aims to develop, implement and propose a common curricula, qualification framework and accreditation scheme at the European level, for training and skills upgrading of construction and green professionals on water efficiency and water energy nexus for building construction and retrofit.

Expected Results

WATTer Skills will produce 4 Intellectual Outputs, namely a skills map at a European level, training courses curricula and a common qualification framework and certification schemes based on ECVET training credits.


The final version of the Reports of Intellectual Outputs of the WATTer Skills project are now available for consultation.

Partners and National Advisory Groups

ADENE, the Energy Agency is a private non-profit making public utility association with the mission to develop public interest activites in the areas of energy and energy efficiency, including mobility and the efficient use of water.


Fundación Laboral de la Construcción works to provide businesses and workers the necessary resources to promote a more professional qualified and educated construction sector. The FLC gets its financial support from the sector through a compulsory fee, established in the General Agreement, which is paid by each and every construction company; as well as public funding for giving training courses both to workers and unemployed people from the construction sector.

In Italy, vocational training in construction is carried out through a national training system regulated by the National Collective Employment Agreement. FORMEDIL is the central body of this system and is composed of the social partners of the sector. FORMEDIL is structured on a network of 103 Building Schools and aims to promote and co-ordinate vocational training, qualification and re-qualification in the construction undertaken by the SCUOLE EDILI.

The Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES) is a non profit entity founded in 1987 and supervised by the Ministry of Environment, Energy & Climate Change. CRES is by Law the National Centre for Coordination in the fields of RES, RUE, and Energy Saving (ES), its primary aim being to promote technological applications in these fields both at a national and international level.