WATTer Skills presentation to ANQEP

The National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education, I.P. (ANQEP, I.P.), is a public institute with superintendence and joint supervision of the Ministries of Education, and of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security, in coordination with the Ministry of Economy and Digital Transition.

Its mission is to contribute to the improvement of the qualification levels of young people and adults in Portugal, promoting both an increasing demand for qualifications, school and professional (double certification), at the non-higher level, and an offer of initial training and life that is broadly attractive, of quality and relevant to the labour market.

On the 29th June 2018, ADENE met with ANQEP, which is a member of the Portuguese advisory group, for the presentation and discussion of the WATTer Skills project.

Given the ANQEP’s extensive knowledge on the National Qualification Framework, they gave important contributes concerning the development of a common qualification framework in line with the European Qualification Framework (EQF), able to adopt and adapt at the national level for training and qualification of the different types of professionals targeted.