WATTer Skills at the 3rd National Plumbing Meeting

On the 7th January of 2020, ADENE presented the WATTer Skills project in the 3rd National Plumbing Meeting
Pilot action of the Water Efficiency Expert course

On the 29th November of 2019, ADENE promoted the pilot case of the “Audit & Communication with the users” module, from the Water Efficiency Expert (WEE) qualification course.
Water Efficiency Expert course: Pilot Action

On 29th of November of 2019 in Lisbon, ADENE carried out a pilot action on Audit & Communication Module (residential buildings) of the complete Water Efficiency Expert training course.
Meeting with the Portuguese Advisory Group

ADENE met with the Portuguese advisory group in Lisbon, Portugal, on September 27, 2019, to present the project progress and discuss the results.
WATTer Skills 3rd Partners Meeting

On the 23rd and 24th of September 2019, took place the 3rd partners meeting in Pikermi, Greece.
Levering Industry and Professional Qualifications Over Water Efficiency and Water-Energy Nexus in Buildings

Levering Industry and Professional Qualifications Over Water Efficiency and Water-Energy Nexus in Buildings https://books.google.pt/books?id=SY-wDwAAQBAJ&dq=watter+skills&hl=pt-PT&source=gbs_navlinks_s
WATTer Skills presentation on ENERWAT conference

The WATTer Skills Project was presented in the ENERWAT Seminar, which took place on November 21st at Vila Real, Portugal.
WATTer Skills paper presented at Water Energy Nexus conference

FORMEDIL, on behalf of the WATTer Skills project, presented the WATTer Skills paper “Levering industry and professional qualifications over water efficiency and water-energy nexus in buildings”.
WATTer Skills at the seminar “Adaptation to Climate Change – Efficient Water Use in Macaronésia”

ADENE, marked the National Water Day, on October 1st, 2018, with an intervention on the WATTer Skills project.
Skills for Water Efficiency and Water-Energy Nexus in Building Construction and Retrofit

Skills for Water Efficiency and Water-Energy Nexus in Building Construction and Retrofit https://www.watefnetwork.co.uk/files/default/WatefCon18/WATEFCon2018_PROCEEDINGS-.pdf